Ex Libris presents: Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451
Using Ray Bradbury’s classic novel, Fahrenheit 451, the Ex Libris concept utilizes artifacts inspired by the narrative to create a more relevant and desirable way for modern audiences to experience literature through the use of artifactual storytelling.
Inspired by the themes of Fahrenheit 451, this Ex Libris experience includes a handmade box designed to resemble a matchbox with the design laser etched, or burned, into the fabric cover. The slide out box includes a “title page” introduction and various artifacts that relate to important themes and events in the novel including: The Fireman’s Rulebook and igniter, Fireman’s uniform patch, Seashell Radio packaging, and others. Because books are illegal and must be hidden in the world of Fahrenheit 451, the box includes a false bottom that the reader pulls via a small scrap of burned paper revealing the book and additional scraps of burned book pages, much like the experience of the protagonist in the story.